Christopher Lord (G 53-57)
has been in touch:

“I still live in Heswall, Wirral, and still go swimming in the nearby West Kirby concourse two or three times a week. Recently I've enjoyed meeting Mike Green (FS early/mid 50s) who, although slightly older than I, is clearly in better condition as he uses the gym, whereas my arthritic knees (which I blame on the St Bees’ practice of sending us out on punishing runs (which in some cases became addictive in later life) limit my activities to gentle walking and swimming. When I started at St Bees in September 1953, Mike Green was the head of Meadow House, one of two so-called "waiting" or junior houses to which new boys were assigned in order to be protected for a while from the rigours of life on the main houses. Bicycles were essential as we needed to travel down the hill each morning for lessons, back after lunch to change for sport, down again to indulge in sport, back up again to wash (no showers) and change once more to return on three days a week for late afternoon lessons. Perhaps it was the cycling as much as the running to blame for my creaky 68 year old knees!”

The St. Beghian Society, St. Bees School, St. Bees, Cumbria, CA27 0DS

tel: 01946 828093         